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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Writing Effective Email Messages

Improving Email Etiquette

Using good email etiquette increases the effectiveness of emails for both businesses and individuals. It is worth taking the time to write messages using good netiquette.

Writing effective email messages is a challenge faced by many Internet users. Email messages are not always going to get the desired response. It is simply not possible to "make" others respond. It is, however, possible to write more effective emails and to get more replies.

Improving email etiquette is increases productivity and improves the effectiveness of communications. Individuals on a personal level, as well as businesses and organizations, will benefit from effective email netiquette. Awareness of audience in regards to tone and spelling plus exercising basic manners and acknowledging emails in a timely manner are all pivotal parts of increasing the effectiveness of email messaging.

Email Etiquette for Individual Audiences

Being aware of audience means taking a moment to think about the perspective of the person receiving the email- plus being focused on the purpose of the email. It helps to consider whether the message is being sent to a family member, a friend, a potential employer, or someone else encountered in the course of business. An email message to a family member or close friend usually does not require the same level of formality that would be used in a business setting.

If the person receiving the email appreciates brevity over formal grammar then it might be appropriate to abbreviate or add things like smilies. Email sent as part of a business message should be brief and to the point, but should avoid abbreviations and grammar should be checked for obvious errors.

Email Manners

Practicing good email etiquette is related to being aware of the e-mail’s intended audience. If someone repeatedly sends email messages that are too abrupt or too rude and argumentative- eventually the recipients will either hit "delete" when they see the senders email address or only read it half-heartedly.

Sending messages with whole paragraphs written in capital letters is extremely bad email netiquette. It might make sense to emphasize the occasional word or short sentence in an email but it is never okay to write en entire email in capitals. It is inappropriate whether the sender is furious, or if the message is from an adult to a teen, or a boss to an employee. Writing a message all in capitals makes the sender look bad, plus it makes the reader less likely to read the whole message.

Timely Acknowledgment of Emails

A reply that takes any longer than two days is a bad reflection on the recipient of the email. If the original email contains a lot of questions or subjects that require response it is perfectly okay to let the sender know that responses will be sent out when the information has been reviewed. It is better to reply with an acknowledgment- even a vague one- of having received the email than to let the sender wait in a state of uncertainty.

Good email etiquette increases the effectiveness of email messages because people respond better to good manners than to bad manners. The recipients of well-written emails are far more likely to respond in a positive manner than recipients of poorly written or rude messages.

Copyright Laure Justice. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication. Originally published on

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