Author: Britt Malka
You need traffic to sell your eBook.
Can you imagine an empty book store… How many books do you think they'll sell? Let's just pretend that this is the old days where nobody had home pages or could sell anything online.
No visitors means no customers and no sales.
So how can you get traffic to your virtual book store?
Here are seven neat ways you can get traffic to your site and sell your eBook.
1. Record Your Book
"Are you crazy?"
I bet that's what you're thinking right now, but I can assure you that I'm not. What's more important here is that Scott Sigler isn't crazy, either. In fact, he's a best selling author, and he started by giving away his books as audio books. He still does, by the way, and it hasn't stopped him from selling huge piles of printed books at the same time.
By giving away his books as audio files, he got fans. And fans are buyers. They are REGULAR buyers. They love you, and you probably love them back.
2. Make Videos
Videos spread like wild fire. People love to watch a short video on YouTube or Viddler, if they can be either amused or learn something new.
If you can make videos related to your eBook, you can obtain visitors. And visitors mean potential buyers. Just remember to make it easy for them to purchase from you. Give them a nice, big juicy "Buy Now" button.
3. Use Social Book Marking
It all started out as book marking tools, but they became social, and instead of every man for himself book marks, we all share our best pages with each other.
You wouldn't book mark lousy pages, would you?
Nah, neither would I, and we've come to expect a site found among another person's book marks to be more interesting than a result that pops up in Google.
Use services like Stumble Upon, Diigolet, Blink, and plenty of others to book mark your pages with, and let the traffic come.
4. Write On Twitter And Facebook
Some people love Twitter, others love Facebook.
It doesn't matter if you hate either of them. Use them both!
Give tips from your book or related to your eBook, and point people to your sales page.
5. Pay Per Click
Pay for visitors… Yes, it's possible. It's not a solution I like myself, but a lot of people enjoy a vast success with AdWords and other Pay Per Click services.
6. Write Articles
Aaaah… My favourite. As a writer, I love to write articles, and you should do the same. Submit your articles to article directories such as ArticlesBase, Ezine Articles, Street Articles, and others.
As a reward, you are allowed to use keywords as anchor text for a link to your sales page. Your articles could be seen by thousands of people, if they are well written and relevant. You can get incredible amounts of targeted traffic from article directories. And it just keeps coming, sometimes years after you've submitted the article.
7. Use Your Signature
This is just SO simple and effective, and yet so people use it.
Every time you send out an email, don't just write "Regards, Your Name". Add a line with a link to your sales page or blog. You'll be amazed and surprised to learn how many people actually use your link and visits your site.
I guess curiosity is a strong motivator.
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About the Author
But wait!
Before you send traffic to your sales page, you need to know how to cash in the money people are supposed to pay for your book.
Learn how to sell your eBook with my free report "How To Sell eBooks" from
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