Make and Publish Your Book

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Things to Do When You Just Don't Feel like Writing

Almost all writers have those days when they just don't feel like writing. I've been having "one of those days" for about two weeks now. I'm tired of looking out the window to see what the sky is pouring down: is it snow, freezing rain, or a combination of snow and freezing rain?

I've put together a short list of my favorite "get over it" techniques, and if you would like to share your favorites feel free to click the comments icon below this post to join the conversation.
  • Force yourself to research - This works for me, about half of the time. I don't start with the creative part of writing, I just start looking up a few facts and compiling them in a sensible order. By the time I have references for my article I am often excited to start writing.
  • Write something ridiculous - Write a crazy rhyme or a completely silly short story. Getting it out of your system, whatever it is, can free you up for serious, paying work.
  • Go to the Library - A change of scenery can change the mood; plus the Library is chock full of great reference material for a freelance writer.
  • Get some exercise - If it's too slippery outside to go for a walk, an exercise video or a quick dance around the room can get the blood pumping and can get the brain cells stirred up enough to start writing.
  • Cook - Make one of your favorite foods and then write the recipe, including your secret steps and favorite variations. If the recipe is completely your own, take a picture and consider publishing it - why not get paid for your efforts?
  • Sip tea - Many writers suggest sipping tea for its calming effect. While I love tea, it does not seem to help me focus and write. I just thought I would throw it out there since I have heard it recommended so many times.
  • Hot bath - Like the tea mentioned above, this one is offered for its calming ability. Letting go of stressors can help you get on with the day after a nice, soothing break.
  • Meditation or yoga - Again, this one is not very successful for me. When I try to quiet my mind it seems to go into hyper-drive; but I have often heard that meditation and yoga work wonders for many writers.
Writing can be one of the hardest jobs around (to earn money) if you don't learn how to manage your time and keep yourself in your seat long enough to do the work. You are not going to get paid for words that do not get strung together. If you want to earn money writing, you need to find a way to write, even on the days when you d not feel like writing. If these ideas do not work for you, after all, everyone is different, see what you can come up with that works for you.

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