Make and Publish Your Book

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Good-Bye Wikio Experts, Hello OverBlog?

Another good writing site bites the dust. Ignore my earlier post about writing for Wikio Experts.

The site sent out emails today informing writers that Wikio is closing and articles will be transferred to the OverBlog site. I won't waste your time by posting the entire message. It is already posted on several other sites anyway. If anyone wants to see it, however, leave a message and I'll get it to you.

Upfront payments are gone. Even articles already claimed and in writer's queues will no longer earn an upfront payment.

Joel, the moderator in Wikio forums, is promising this is going to be a positive change, with writers pleasantly surprised when the details are released.

Added, he did stress that the kind of writers they want are the writers who write for the love of writing rather than the love of money; and writing there should be about enjoying writing rather than for work.

I checked out OverBlog, and found the details to be a bit sketchy. I guess they are in flux along with Wikio Experts.

Without the rest of the details, I cannot see much point in continuing with the site, or continuing to encourage others to sign up. I recommend moving into wait-and-see mode when it comes to this site. It could turn out worthwhile, but it is too early to tell.

When further details are released, I will share as quickly as possible for those of you who are interested.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Please let me know, if there is any other website that pays upfront to writers.


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