Make and Publish Your Book

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Is It Time for You to Write a Book Online?

If you have a lot to say, but only want to write a bit at a time, one fun way to get started... write a book online.

You can start a free blog, like this one, or pay for your own domain and url - and write a page or chapter a day. Your readers can subscribe or just check back for updates - and you can get feedback which you can use to improve your book - or dismiss - as you like.

The format - while not a term you will hear frequently, is Blook, and it's a pretty simple concept...

blog + book = blook

Some authors use the format to upload daily installments to a site (self-developed) that allows readers to sign in as paid subscribers to read magazine-length updates while other authors opt to let readers decide how much they want to pay, and still other writers post the new segments for free as a fun way to express themselves and engage readers.

How about you? Have you ever considered writing your book online in the blook format?

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