Make and Publish Your Book

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Should You Try Online Writing Contests?

It is unlikely that anyone will make a living participating in online writing contests, but that does not mean the experience has no value. These contests can provide a number of benefits to fledgling writers, including a chance to earn a few dollars, exposure, and professional critiquing of one's work.

Writing Contest Prizes

Prizes range from getting a piece of your work published (which actually falls under the exposure category, but some contests promote publication as a prize) to an enviable cash sum. Most fall somewhere in the middle, with a modest cash sum or small prize. Read the fine print carefully before entering to avoid surprises later.


Winning contest entries are generally published on the website or in the publication hosting the contest. Before entering contests where the main prize is publication of your work, check to learn the readership of the contest before entering to get an idea of the exposure you can earn from winning.

Professional Critique

One advantage to entering contests such as these, is the chance to have a pro critique your work. Check to see if the organization holding the contest will provide feedback on entries. To be fair, most will not, but if you find one that does, it can be worth your time to submit just to learn where you might need to work on your writing skills.

How about you - have you ever entered writing contests online, or do you plan to? We would love to hear about your experience if you feel inclined to share.

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